Gamification is the touted as the best way to improve motivation but why? This article examines the psychology and approach needed to work with Gamification. Psychology ROI, Goals, Metrics and Rewards Managing the Fun Getting started [read more=”Read more” less=”Read less”] Psychology In a nut shell To quote Mary Poppins “In every job that must be done, there is an …
Monthly Archives: August 2018
Cipher suites are collections of ciphers and used to keep data secure across the Internet. This article explores what a cipher is and a cipher suite does. Please consider this a “general” introduction to the area. I skirt past a lot of the math and operational precision of what goes into specific modern cipher suites. I do this in favour …
Cookies are a term used in browsing the internet but what are they really. This article explains in as non-technical a way as possible what a cookie is, does and the pros and cons of them. Cookies save so much effort but can be abused. Here’s what cookies do for you. Browsing basics Saving you time Sense checks [read …
Follow the Moon (FTS) and Follow the Sun (FTS) scenarios for modern business involves being open 24/7 but 3 different global teams work a normal 9 to 5 day. This article examines the hows and whys this scenario can work for businesses and how to go about setting up your own solution. Working hours Project setup Sense checks [read more=”Read …
Work distribution is one of the primary responsibilities of a manager but which approach works best? This article examines not only the mechanisms but the psychologies to the different approaches to help you choose what’s best for your business. This article is for all managers who would like to sense check their approach to work distribution. Background Generalisations Approaches Work …
To build a beautiful interface is traditionally difficult due to subjectivity with beauty in the eye of the beholder. However as you try to articulate your ideas and wonder what a system could look like this article allows a computer user articulate their ideas very visually with little effort. This is a fun try it and see article for every …
Breaches pose the biggest threat to modern business currently and seem to happen frequently with difficult consequences. What is a breach, why they happen and what can you as a manager do to limit them. This is non-techy article. This article seeks to help non technical managers understand the challenges faced by IT and Security teams and what can be …
How do you move from idea to reality when you have a thought which could change your life and the lives of those around you. You don’t have to start a new business to make a difference, you can try do it within the company you’re already in. Taking a concept from idea to reality isn’t a snap of the …
Person-centric design is a way of perceiving systems and data that focuses on the people rather than the system. A person-centric approach is a strategic win for your business. This article introduces the area and its advantages and offers a way of updating your approach without throwing out the baby and the bathwater. Focused on solutions from a business / …
How do you sense check your contact centre? This article reviews the sensible checks that on a Monday morning you should be able to report on instantly. Often reporting habits imply the business is OK without giving management the full picture. The French playwright Molière said “It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for …