Contact Centres

Follow the Moon scenarios for modern business

Follow the Moon (FTS) and Follow the Sun (FTS) scenarios for modern business involves being open 24/7 but 3 different global teams work a normal 9 to 5 day. This article examines the hows and whys this scenario can work for businesses and how to go about setting up your own solution. Working hours Project setup Sense checks [read more=”Read …

Contact Centre jargon how many words do you know?

Contact Centre jargon defines an industry with its own nod and wink language.  Contact Centre jargon is key to speed of discussion and clarity of ideas in a contact centre. Unlike departments which have only one specific focus the contact centre has messages to deliver on behalf of all departments. This article introduces to someone who may never worked in …

Mass delivered yet individualised training plans

Customising training plans by individual can be done automatically with the help of technology but how to go about getting it set up? Training plans are essential for all businesses to grow their skills base and improve quality.  Technology can give everyone the personal attention they need. This article is a business management article not a technical specification. Getting the …

Outsourcing 101

Outsourcing is a valid business strategy but the language of outsourcing can be jargonistic. This article explores the key terms involved in outsourcing. The Basics Working with a BPO   [read more=”Read more” less=”Read less”] The Basics Definition Companies come in all sizes from one person to thousands of employees.  When companies grow to certain sizes, specific pieces of work …

CRM or Sales Pipeline

CRM is it sales or customer care?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solutions are used by businesses for Sales and ongoing relationship management.  Which works best for your business? This article examines what a CRM is and what it should provide in context and considerations of the GDPR and legal considerations that might apply. Understanding the role of departments CRM to the rescue Insight or Metric [read more=”Read …

Best Next Action predicting the future

Best Next Action is a marketing technique when combined with sales and customer care provides better odds for selling and retaining customers. The approach uses data mining and data analytics techniques to identify opportunities to apply to a person contacting the business. This article discusses some of the fundamentals of the technique and how you can apply them in your …

Contact Centre metrics – the basics

Contact Centre metrics are vital for any contact centre operation.  Some metrics are operation specific but many are generic.  Are you reading the right metrics? This article examines the common and area specific metrics you should be able to review and analyse in your operation. Generic Contact Centre metrics What can I check for so far? Operation specific metrics Final …