Hello World!

'; ?>

connect_error) { die("Step 0: Sorry but the connection failed: " . $objConnection->connect_error); } else { echo "Step 0: Yay, connected successfully let the games begin...
"; //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // Create of the CRUD process //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> echo "Step 1: Create the table
"; // sql to create table $strSQL_String = "CREATE TABLE User (intUser_Id INT(6) UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, strUser_Firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, strUser_Lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, strUser_Email VARCHAR(50), dteUser_Registered DATETIME )"; if ($objConnection->query($strSQL_String) === TRUE) { echo "Result 1 : Table User created successfully
" . vbCrLf ; //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // Insert / Create of the CRUD process //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> echo "Step 2: Create Insert a record into the table
"; // sql to create table $strSQL_String = "Insert Into User (intUser_Id, strUser_Firstname, strUser_Lastname, strUser_Email, dteUser_Registered ) VALUES ( Null, 'Philip', 'Lacey', 'philiplacey1@gmail.com', NOW() )"; if ($objConnection->query($strSQL_String) === TRUE) { echo "Result 2 : Record inserted
" . vbCrLf ; //We repeat the process to create 4 records. $strSQL_String = "Insert Into User (intUser_Id, strUser_Firstname, strUser_Lastname, strUser_Email, dteUser_Registered ) VALUES ( Null, 'Emma', 'Lacey', 'philiplacey1@gmail.com', NOW() )"; if ($objConnection->query($strSQL_String) === TRUE) { $strSQL_String = "Insert Into User (intUser_Id, strUser_Firstname, strUser_Lastname, strUser_Email, dteUser_Registered ) VALUES ( Null, 'Hiccup', 'Lacey', 'philiplacey1@gmail.com', NOW() )"; if ($objConnection->query($strSQL_String) === TRUE) { $strSQL_String = "Insert Into User (intUser_Id, strUser_Firstname, strUser_Lastname, strUser_Email, dteUser_Registered ) VALUES ( Null, 'Gizmo', 'Lacey', 'philiplacey1@gmail.com', NOW() )"; if ($objConnection->query($strSQL_String) === TRUE) { } } } //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // Read of the CRUD process //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //Now we read the contents of the table out to screen. echo "Step 3: Read the table
"; $strSQL_String = "SELECT * FROM User"; $objResult = $objConnection->query($strSQL_String); if ($objResult->num_rows > 0) { // output data of each row while($objRow = $objResult->fetch_assoc()) { echo "Result 3: intUser_Id: " . $objRow["intUser_Id"]. " - Name: " . $objRow["strUser_Firstname"]. " " . $objRow["strUser_Lastname"] . " Date [" . $objRow["dteUser_Registered"] . "]
" . vbCrLf; } //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // Update of the CRUD process //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> echo "Step 4: Update a record in the table
"; $strSQL_String = "Update User Set strUser_Firstname = 'Updated' Where intUser_Id = 2"; if ($objConnection->query($strSQL_String) === TRUE) { echo "Result 4 : Record updated.
" . vbCrLf; } else { echo "Result 4 : Error updating record: " . $objConnection->error . "
" . vbCrLf; } //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // Delete of the CRUD process //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> echo "Step 5: Delete a record in the table
"; $strSQL_String = "Delete From User Where intUser_Id = 3"; if ($objConnection->query($strSQL_String) === TRUE) { echo "Result 5 : Record deleted.
" . vbCrLf; } else { echo "Result 5 : Error deleting record: " . $objConnection->error . "
" . vbCrLf; } $strSQL_String = "SELECT * FROM User"; $objResult = $objConnection->query($strSQL_String); if ($objResult->num_rows > 0) { // output data of each row while($objRow = $objResult->fetch_assoc()) { echo "Result 4 and 5: intUser_Id: " . $objRow["intUser_Id"]. " - Name: " . $objRow["strUser_Firstname"]. " " . $objRow["strUser_Lastname"] . " Date [" . $objRow["dteUser_Registered"] . "]
" . vbCrLf; } } } else { echo "Result 3: 0 records
" . vbCrLf ; } } else { echo "Result 2 : Error inserting record: " . $objConnection->error . "
" . vbCrLf; } } else { echo "Result 1 : Error creating table: " . $objConnection->error . "
" . vbCrLf; } //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // Drop / Delete of the CRUD process //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> echo "Step 4: Drop / Delete the table
"; // sql to create table $strSQL_String = "DROP TABLE User"; if ($objConnection->query($strSQL_String) === TRUE) { echo "Result 4 : Table User dropped successfully
" . vbCrLf ; } else { echo "Result 4 : Error dropping table: " . $objConnection->error . "
" . vbCrLf; } //Tidy up and close the connection $objConnection->close(); } ?>