Birthday. What to say on your birthday?

Birthday.  Your birthday.  That annual event that leaves you wondering what to say, do and expect.  Time to reverse this one a little.

2 years ago on this day I wanted the world.  1 year ago on this day I just wanted to live.  This year I want to give a little something back.

  • Firstly, thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this.  It’ll be 10 minutes well spent I hope.
  • Secondly, if you ever need something just ask, I’d love to help, not just say thank you to you for caring.
  • Finally, you deserve a smile as they mean the world.  Better still, they’re free.

So in different ways I hope I can share something with you.


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Birthday presents in boxes

When you’re trying to come up with the perfect gift …

Remember connection and a sense of belonging is more important than a gift and it is you in a box.


I don’t have IT, whatever it is.

“You are none of these Williams. But they were wrong.  It was the size of his heart, the power of his ambition the strength of his character.” 

“Too small for life.”  No, you’re not. If you ever think that come talk to me and I’ll remind you what you mean to a fellow human being!

We already have one thing in common, that’s a good start.

Be upright and know you’re not alone.


Be grateful for your advantages, don’t rue your loses

You think you need more, till something takes it all away.  I learnt that the hard way and got luckier than most.

Now every day I get to be grateful, not just on my birthday.  Above all I just needed reminding to be grateful.  Mother Nature helped me.

Being grateful means saying thanks to someoneSo go thank someone and smile with them.

Humans can’t read minds yet, so use your words.  They’ll feel better and so will you!


Learn to smile at the small things

This is your life.  Do something fun.  As a result if you can make yourself smile… great.  To make someone else smile… magical!

Thank you for my birthday present

I hope you got a smile somewhere.  If I did then thank you for the perfect birthday present, I helped someone smile.

No?… chat to me I’m sure WE can find something.

If want to say hi, please do.  You contact me here or on social media.

Please forgive me if it’s tomorrow by the time I get back to you.



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