Monthly Archives: August 2018

What is quality and how do you define it?

What is Quality? Quality is a difficult thing to define due to the subjective nature of the word. This article explores how a business can define what quality means to them. Once defined how does a business actually implement a quality assurance system? What is Quality? Quality Assurance delivers. Who’s involved How to build a quality program.   [read more=”Read …

CRM or Sales Pipeline

CRM is it sales or customer care?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solutions are used by businesses for Sales and ongoing relationship management.  Which works best for your business? This article examines what a CRM is and what it should provide in context and considerations of the GDPR and legal considerations that might apply. Understanding the role of departments CRM to the rescue Insight or Metric [read more=”Read …

Where is your company notice board?

Notice board concepts have been available for years but few businesses work collaboratively to communicate effectively with your staff? What does yours say? People have less time in a noisier world so how do you ensure your messages get across to everyone. Notice boards offer company wide messages that improve morale and publicly support employee recognition and appreciation.  In this …